New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): Calling US President-elect Donald Trump as a "friend of India" and "a friend of Prime Minister Narendra Modi", Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal said on Thursday that New Delhi is looking to further strengthen the economic partnership between the two countries as soon as the new administration takes charge in Washington, next month."Mr. Trump is a friend of India, is a friend of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and I'm sure this friendship will only continue to blossom and grow further, as is evident from the various comments he (Trump) has made so far," Goyal told reporters.

Trump, who on November 19 named Howard Lutnick - Chairman and CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald - as his nominee for Secretary of Commerce with additional charge as the country's top trade negotiator, has promised to solidify the "great partnership" with India and Prime Minister Modi in his second term. At the same time, during his election campaign, Trump had said that India was among the countries that took advantage of the US and was a "very big abuser" in trade.

He has threatened stiff tariffs on imports, especially as retribution for high tariffs imposed by other countries - a move that could affect India. However on Thursday, Commerce and Industry Minister Goyal sought to allay fears over past comments. "I think we need not jump the gun and let the new government take charge and express their formal and official views. But, to the best of my understanding of the situation, and my own experience working with the Trump administration and India's past experience, I do not foresee any problem whatsoever,” Goyal said at the media briefing.

Despite some differences on trade, the US leader and PM Modi have developed strong personal ties over the years. In September, Trump called the Indian PM a "fantastic man", during a town hall meeting in Michigan. "Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the world's most popular leader today, has managed India's international global relationships better than ever in the past. He has worked with three administrations in the US. Over this 10-year period, our relations with the United States have got better and better every single year," said Goyal. "As Mr. Trump has himself on record said 'my good friend, Mr. Modi', the confidence he has on the India relationship, India partnership, has been expressed on many occasions. I'm looking forward to working on with my counterpart in the United States once the confirmation processes are over and the new government takes charge. I'm sure we'll start discussing how to further strengthen our economic partnership," he added.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Modi was one of the first world leaders to congratulate Trump on his victory in the US presidential elections, asserting that he is looking forward to renewing collaboration with the leader to further strengthen the India-US Comprehensive Global and Strategic Partnership. "Had a great conversation with my friend, President Donald Trump, congratulating him on his spectacular victory. Looking forward to working closely together once again to further strengthen India-US relations across technology, defence, energy, space and several other sectors," he said after the phone conversation with the President-elect of the United States of America.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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