The vehicle, which was carrying seven people, fell off the road in Jajarkot district at around 11pm local time. It plunged down a cliff approximately 700 metres deep, according to Hari Ram Dangi, an inspector at the district police. He told that a preliminary investigation suggested the vehicle had lost control due to brake failure, and the two injured individuals were receiving treatment at a hospital.

This incident marked the fourth fatal accident involving such vehicles in Nepal in between November and December, with a total of 26 people killed and 15 others injured in these accidents. Earlier, on November 15, a sports utility vehicle had fallen off a highway in far-western Nepal, killing eight people and injuring five others. The vehicle, carrying a total of 13 people, fell around 300 metres down a cliff at around 4 am local time in Darchula district. "The car was carrying pilgrims who were returning after visiting the Mallikarjun temple in the district," said Chhatra Bahadur Rawat, spokesperson for the district police. He told that several people injured in the accident remained in serious condition.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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