Kheri (The Uttam Hindu): On Sunday evening, an unknown cause of fire broke out in Fushi Gaudi, located in the Isanagar police station area and rapidly turned into a devastating blaze, destroying nearly half a dozen homes. The fire led to the destruction of millions worth of household goods, leaving four families homeless and on the brink of starvation. The affected families have informed the local Lekhpal and appealed for immediate assistance.

The fire consumed the homes of Rammanohar, Rambahadur, Amaresh, Umashankar, Manoj Kumar, Sandeep and Rajesh, completely reducing them to ashes. Valuable items, including grains, cash and jewelry were also destroyed in the fire, leaving the families struggling for basic necessities like food.

Village head Ramanand has informed the local Lekhpal about the incident and is urging for swift government aid for the victims. Mastaram a local resident mentioned that the fire spread so quickly that the families did not even get a chance to save their belongings. The affected families are now in dire need of help.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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