Jalna (The Uttam Hindu): A tragic incident unfolded in Jalna, Maharashtra, when a young cricketer collapsed and died of a heart attack during a Christmas Trophy cricket match. The incident, which has sent shockwaves through the local community, was captured in a video that has since gone viral on social media. The incident occurred at Dr. Fraser Boys Ground in Jalna, where Vijay Patel, a resident of Nalasopara, Mumbai, was playing. During the match, Patel suddenly complained of severe chest pain and collapsed on the field. His teammates quickly rushed him to a nearby hospital, but he was declared dead upon arrival.

The viral video shows Patel's condition worsening after he fell to the ground. Preliminary investigations have confirmed that Patel died due to a heart attack, though the exact cause of death will be determined once the post-mortem report is available. The sudden passing of Vijay Patel has left the cricket community in mourning. Local residents and fellow players have expressed their heartfelt condolences over the tragic incident.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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