Ahmedabad (The Uttam Hindu): A tragic incident unfolded at a private school in Ahmedabad on Friday morning when an 8-year-old girl, Gargi Ranpara, died after suffering a cardiac arrest. The incident occurred around 8 a.m. when Gargi, who had arrived at school, suddenly experienced chest pain while climbing the stairs. She sat down on a bench in the school lobby, but moments later, collapsed on the floor. School staff acted swiftly, rushing her to the nearby Zydus Hospital. However, doctors at the hospital declared her dead upon arrival.

Initial investigations suggest that cardiac arrest was the cause of death. The school’s principal, Sharmistha Sinha, confirmed that the staff immediately called for an ambulance, but due to delays in its arrival, Gargi was transported to the hospital in the school vehicle. Unfortunately, efforts to save her life were unsuccessful. Gargi's parents, who reside in Mumbai, were informed of the incident. Gargi had been living with her grandparents in Ahmedabad. The police reached the school shortly after the incident and began reviewing CCTV footage. A crime branch team also conducted an inspection at the school.

Zydus Hospital doctors have also indicated that cardiac arrest was likely the cause, but the official cause of death will be confirmed after the post-mortem report. The incident has sent shockwaves through the school community and left Gargi’s family devastated.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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