Gurdaspur (The Uttam Hindu): The atmosphere in village Nangaljhor near Sri Hargobindpur Sahib in Gurdaspur district of Punjab became tense when a clash broke out between farmers and police. According to information, eight farmers are said to be injured.

Farmer leaders said that the government wants to take over the highway passing through Sri Hargobindpur Sahib, while the farmer leaders do not want to give it. There was a clash between the farmers and the police administration over this. During this clash, the turbans of many farmers fell off. During this, the farmers raised slogans against the government and the Punjab Police. The injured farmers have been admitted to the hospital.

This incident has increased tension between farmers and the government. Farmers say that the government is not listening to them. Land acquisition laws are not being followed properly. They are not getting proper compensation and their livelihood is being snatched away. The government says that land acquisition is necessary for development and they are giving proper compensation to the farmers. But there is no way of dialogue between the two parties. Farmers demand that the government should talk to them before acquiring the land. Give them proper compensation and make arrangements for their rehabilitation. They also want the government to take concrete steps to save agriculture. Because agriculture is the basis of their life. If agriculture is not saved then their life will also be ruined.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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