Ludhiana (The Uttam Hindu): In a shocking incident during the Lohri celebrations in Ludhiana, Punjab an 11-year-old girl was struck by a bullet while watching kite flying with her mother on the roof of their house. The bullet lodged in her head, prompting immediate medical attention. Doctors successfully removed the bullet and the girl is reported to be out of danger. The girl, a resident of New Madhopuri, Street No. 3, Ashiana was injured around 12:30 PM on Monday while retrieving a kite near a generator. Her father, Nasir Alam stated that the family works in the garment industry. After having meal, the girl had gone to the roof with her mother to enjoy the festivities.

When the incident occurred, the girl ran to her mother reporting a sharp pain in her head. Seeing blood, her mother rushed her to a nearby clinic where doctors identified the injury as a gunshot wound. The girl was referred to the civil hospital, where senior police officers were informed.

Investigation Underway

Upon learning of the incident, ACP Davinder Chaudhary and Basti Jodhewal SHO Jasbir Singh visited the scene, inspecting rooftops and questioning residents in the vicinity. Preliminary investigations suggest the bullet came from a celebratory shot fired during the festival. The police are examining CCTV footage from the area and checking records of licensed weapon holders. While no suspects have been identified yet, authorities are urging the public to celebrate festivals responsibly. ACP Davinder Chaudhary assured that the girl is stable and the police are actively pursuing leads to resolve the case. A case will be registered soon to address the matter and prevent such incidents in the future.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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