Holiday Heart Syndrome: Understanding the Dangers of Binge Drinking During Festive Seasons

New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): The festive season marked by Christmas parties and gatherings often leads to increased alcohol consumption and indulgence in rich foods. However, experts warn of a spike in heart-related complications during this time commonly referred to as ‘holiday heart syndrome.’ This condition encompasses cardiac issues such as atrial fibrillation, heart attacks and congestive heart failure, triggered by binge drinking and excessive consumption of sodium and saturated fats. Dr. William J. Prabhu, a cardiologist notes that even typically cautious individuals tend to abandon dietary restrictions during the holidays increasing the risk of cardiac events.
Symptoms of holiday heart syndrome include a racing heart, chest discomfort, shortness of breath and exhaustion often occurring after heavy drinking. While most cases resolve within 12 to 24 hours, experts emphasize seeking prompt medical attention if symptoms persist as delays can lead to severe outcomes. Treatments vary depending on the severity ranging from beta blockers and blood thinners to procedures restoring normal heart rhythms. Preventative measures include avoiding binge drinking, moderating salt and fat intake, staying hydrated and maintaining regular physical activity.
To reduce the risk, experts recommend limiting alcohol consumption to no more than four standard drinks in a single day and practicing moderation in food intake. Avoiding excessive caffeine and seeking immediate medical help if symptoms arise are also advised. Cardiac specialists stress the importance of celebrating responsibly and prioritizing heart health during the holiday season.