Patna (The Uttam Hindu): In an unfortunate accident, three teenagers lost their lives after being crushed by a train while engrossed in playing the mobile game (PUBG) in Bihar's West Champaran district on Thursday, police said. The accident occurred near the Royal School at Mansa Tola on the Narkatiaganj-Muzaffarpur rail section under the Mufassil police station.

The teenagers, all wearing earphones, were so absorbed in the game that they failed to notice an approaching train. Tragically, this distraction led to the accident, leaving the local community in shock. Authorities have initiated an investigation and are working to determine the exact circumstances that led to the accident. The deceased have been identified as Furkan Alam, a resident of Railway Gumti; Mansha Tola; Sameer Alam, a resident of Bari Tola; and Habibullah Ansari. Following the accident, hundreds of local residents gathered at the scene in shock and grief. The families of the victims have taken their children's bodies home for burial rites.

Sadar Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Vivek Deep and Railway Police arrived at the site to investigate the circumstances of the accident. The teenagers' distraction due to gaming and the conditions at the accident site are being examined. “We are establishing communication to recover the dead bodies for the post-mortem. We are also trying to take statements from the deceased's family members to find out the actual circumstances of the accident. Preliminary investigation reveals that they were playing games on the mobile phones while sitting on the railway track," SDPO Vivek Deep said. This incident has left the local community in deep mourning. It has also raised concerns about the dangers of playing mobile games in unsafe environments, especially on railway tracks.

Authorities are urging parents to monitor children's gaming habits and educate them about the importance of staying alert in public spaces to prevent such tragedies in the future.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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