Hyderabad (The Uttam Hindu): Police in Telangana’s Karimnagar town have registered three cases against Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) MLA P. Kaushik Reddy in connection with the incident during District Review Committee (DRC) meeting in Karimnagar on Sunday. Three cases under various sections were registered against the MLA from Huzurabad in Karimnagar One Town Police Station for his unruly behaviour with Jagitial MLA M. Sanjay Kumar during the DRC meeting.

The police booked a case on a complaint lodged by Sanjay’s Personal Assistant. Another case was registered on a complaint by Revenue Divisional Officer (DRO) against Kaushik Reddy for causing commotion. One more case was filed against the BRS MLA on a complaint by Sathu Mallesham, chairman of Zilla Grandalaya Samastha, who alleged that the MLA behaved rudely with him During the DRC meeting on Sunday. Kaushik Reddy had engaged in a verbal spat with Sanjay Kumar and tried to disrupt the latter’s speech. Pandemonium broke out when Kaushik Reddy rushed towards Sanjay while the latter was speaking and wanted to know which party he represents.

Kaushik Reddy made certain remarks against Sanjay for switching loyalty to the ruling Congress after getting elected on a BRS ticket in the 2023 Assembly elections. Kaushik Reddy attempted to snatch mic from Sanjay, leading to a heated argument. The two MLAs nearly came to blows, triggering chaos in the meeting attended by Irrigation and Civil Supplies Minister N. Uttam Kumar Reddy, IT and Industries Minister D. Sridhar Babu and Transport Minister Ponnam Prabhakar.

Police intervened and whisked away Kaushik Reddy from the meeting hall. The BRS MLA later told media persons that Sanjay should resign as MLA and contest the by-election. Reacting to this, Sanjay said he would resign if BRS president K. Chandrasekhar Rao and all the leaders who came to BRS from other parties also quit. Kaushik Reddy has quit Congress party to join TRS (now BRS) in 2021.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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