Pune (The Uttam Hindu): The central government will now provide ₹25,000 to individuals who help injured people get to the hospital immediately after road accidents. Currently, this amount is ₹5,000. Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, shared this information during a road safety campaign in Pune. Gadkari also emphasized the importance of timely medical assistance for accident victims.

He stated that if accident victims are rushed to the hospital within the "Golden Hour" – the first hour after the incident – the chances of survival increase significantly. Additionally, the minister revealed that the government is considering a new system where individuals who report improperly parked vehicles by sending a photo with the vehicle's registration number will receive 10% of the fine imposed on that vehicle as a commission. This initiative aims to encourage public participation and raise awareness about road safety.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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