New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu) : Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a blistering attack against the Aam Aadmi Party government in the national capital on Friday, saying, "For the past 10 years, Delhi has been engulfed in a major 'AAPada'. Some 'Kattar Beimaan' people (hardcore corrupt individuals), using Anna Hazare's image, have pushed Delhi towards this crisis." In a scathing criticism of the AAP government, PM Modi said, "Scams in liquor contracts...scams in schools for children...scams in healthcare for the poor...scams in the name of fighting pollution...scams in recruitments...These people talked about the development of Delhi, but instead, they became the 'AAPada' and struck Delhi." These people openly engage in corruption and then glorify it. It's a case of stealing and then showing off. This 'AAPada' has descended upon Delhi, and that’s why the people of Delhi have declared war against it. Delhi's voters have decided they will not tolerate this 'AAPada' and will bring about change, he remarked.

PM Modi called the AAP government a "destructive force" while highlighting the development the BJP has brought to the city. He pointed out that roads, expressways, and new infrastructure projects are progressing in Delhi because they aren’t affected by the 'AAPada.' He also expressed his desire to implement the Ayushman Bharat scheme in Delhi to provide free healthcare but noted that the 'AAPada' government was blocking it, depriving the citizens of its benefits. In his address, PM Modi also inaugurated various schemes worth Rs 4,500 crore and presented keys to newly constructed flats in Ashok Vihar. He also virtually launched urban redevelopment projects, including the World Trade Center in Narojiji Nagar and new quarters in Sarojini Nagar. Moreover, he laid the foundation stone for Veer Savarkar College in Roshanpura, Najafgarh.

While addressing a rally in Delhi, PM Modi slammed former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal without naming him. Referring to social activist Anna Hazare, he stated that some "hardcore corrupt" individuals had used Hazare's image to push Delhi towards a crisis. He further sarcastically remarked, "Not only do they steal, but they also flaunt it. This 'disaster' 'AAPada' has fallen upon Delhi, and that's why the people of Delhi have waged a war against it. The voters of Delhi have resolved to free the city from this 'disaster.' Every citizen of Delhi is saying, 'We will not tolerate this AAPada, we will change it." He added, "I want to offer Delhi residents the benefits of the Ayushman Bharat scheme, which provides free healthcare. However, the 'AAPada' government has a major grudge against the people of Delhi. While this scheme is implemented across the country, the 'disaster' government is blocking it in Delhi, causing the citizens to suffer."

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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