Pune (The Uttam Hindu): In a tragic incident in Pune's Kharadi area, a man allegedly stabbed his wife to death with a scissor during a heated argument and then recorded a video expressing remorse which he later shared on his office’s social media group, according to the police.

The incident occurred early on Wednesday at around 4:30 AM following an argument between Shivdas Gite (37) and his wife Jyoti Gite (27). During the confrontation, Shivdas attacked Jyoti with a scissor, stabbing her in the throat. Neighbors, alerted by her cries for help, rushed her to the hospital but she was declared dead upon arrival.

Following the crime, Shivdas recorded a video on his phone, expressing regret for his actions and posted it on his office social media group. He was later arrested for murder.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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