Kochi (The Uttam Hindu): Leader of Opposition in Kerala Assembly V. D. Satheesan on Saturday slammed Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan for inaugurating a five-star hotel at Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL). “A seven day mourning is in place following the passing away of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh. Vijayan took part in the function when the last rites of the person who was the PM for a decade were taking place in Delhi,” said Satheesan.

CIAL is the first airport in the PPP model and the Chief Minister of Kerala is the Chairman of the airport. CIAL has built the hotel and has handed it over to the Indian Hotels Company Limited for its running. “A person like Vijayan should not have done this when the entire country is in mourning as it’s disrespectful to the departed soul. It was brought to the attention of the CIAL to inform Vijayan that the function should be postponed, but it did not happen and this act has to be condemned,” added Satheesan. Inaugurating the hotel, Vijayan emphasised that constant innovation is essential for individuals and institutions to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Vijayan highlighted the importance of adapting to shifting trends in service delivery, especially in the era of pervasive new media. “These days, providing the best services is not enough, as new media impacts daily life. People should be able to be convinced of the benefits,” said Vijayan. Vijayan then praised CIAL’s professional marketing strategies and ability to communicate its initiatives' benefits effectively. CIAL is the second airport in India to introduce a hotel under this business model, utilising its land for strategic ventures. Apart from Vijayan, State Industries Minister P. Rajeeve and other top state government officials also took part in the event.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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