Gwalior (The Uttam Hindu): A man shot and killed his 20-year-old daughter, Tanu Gurjar in front of police officers and a local panchayat in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh just days before her wedding. Tanu had publicly opposed the marriage arranged by her family, insisting on marrying a man of her own choice. The tragic incident took place on Tuesday evening around 9 PM in the Gola Ka Mandir area of the city. Tanu's father, Mahesh Gurjar reportedly shot her at close range using a country-made firearm after being enraged by a video she had shared earlier that day. Tanu’s cousin, Rahul allegedly assisted by firing additional shots that ensured her death.

Before the murder, Tanu posted a 52-second video on social media accusing her family of pressuring her into an unwanted marriage. In the video, she named her father and other relatives as responsible for the situation, expressing fears for her life. She stated, “I want to marry Vicky. My family initially agreed but later refused. They beat me daily and threaten to kill me. If something happens to me, my family will be responsible.” The man Tanu referred to, Bhikam "Vicky" Mawai had been in a relationship with her for six years. After the video went viral, a police team led by Superintendent Dharmveer Singh rushed to her home to mediate between the family members. A panchayat meeting was also being held to resolve the matter.

During the intervention, Tanu requested to be taken to a One-Stop Centre a government initiative for women affected by violence for safety. However, her father insisted on speaking to her privately claiming he could convince her to comply. The situation took a tragic turn when Mahesh armed with a firearm shot Tanu in the chest. Rahul then fired additional shots, hitting her in the forehead, neck and near her eye. Tanu collapsed and succumbed to her injuries. After the shooting, Mahesh and Rahul threatened further violence against police officers and family members. Mahesh was arrested but Rahul managed to escape with the weapon. The police have seized the firearm used in the murder and are working to locate Rahul. Authorities are also reviewing Tanu’s social media accounts as part of the investigation. The murder occurred just days before Tanu's wedding which was scheduled for January 18.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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