New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva on Thursday accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh of allegedly deceiving the public and violating electoral laws through bogus voter registrations. Sachdeva claimed that Singh was registered as a voter in multiple constituencies like Sultanpur Municipal Council in Uttar Pradesh, New Delhi Assembly, and Tilak Nagar Assembly constituencies. He alleged that Singh's actions were an example of creating fraudulent votes.

"We haven't just made allegations; we have presented facts from official government and municipal council voter lists. Sanjay Singh is listed in three places. It's Sanjay Singh who needs to respond. He has cheated the Election Commission and violated the law," Sachdeva told IANS. He pointed out discrepancies in the statements by the leader, stating, "On January 4, 2024, he announces that his vote in Sultanpur Assembly has been cut, and on January 8, 2024, his wife submits an affidavit stating she has a vote in Sultanpur." He further reminded that creating bogus votes could result in a one-year punishment under the law.

Sachdeva questioned Singh's integrity, asking, "As a leader of the AAP, is this what you want to teach your party workers? To create bogus votes and register in two or three places?" At a press conference, Sachdeva presented voter lists and affidavits to substantiate his claims. He noted that in 2018 when Singh became a Rajya Sabha MP, his vote was registered in the Hari Nagar Assembly constituency. However, during the same period, his name appeared in the voter list of Sultanpur Municipal Council. "A person who is giving his affidavit for Rajya Sabha MP, claiming to be a resident of the Hari Nagar Assembly seat in Delhi, also has his vote registered in Sultanpur. This is deceit," Sachdeva alleged.

Sachdeva added that Singh's wife, Anita Singh, is listed in voter lists of both Sultanpur Municipal Council and Hari Nagar Assembly. Moreover, he accused Singh of registering votes in the New Delhi Assembly and Tilak Nagar Assembly constituencies as well. "He wasn't satisfied with Hari Nagar and Sultanpur. He also registered in the New Delhi Assembly and Tilak Nagar Assembly. This is their farjiwada (fraud). These are deceitful practices," Sachdeva claimed. Sachdeva urged the Election Commission and Delhi Police to take cognisance of the matter and initiate action against such violations. He also targeted AAP's National Convenor and former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, accusing him of ignoring core issues like water, roads, and electricity in Delhi.

"Kejriwal runs away from main issues. He never talks about dirty water, broken roads, or electricity problems in Delhi. He will never address his scams," Sachdeva claimed. He also claimed that Kejriwal's wife and Delhi Mayor Mahesh Kumar's wife also have their votes registered in two Assembly constituencies each. The Delhi BJP chief reiterated that such instances reflect poorly on governance and called for immediate rectification of electoral practices.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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