New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu) : The Aam Aadmi Party's Rajya Sabha MP, Sanjay Singh, on Friday levelled serious allegations against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), accusing it of deleting voters' names from the electoral rolls ahead of the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. Singh claimed that the BJP was attempting to manipulate the voters' list, targeting long-time residents and women whose votes were reportedly cancelled. Speaking to IANS, Sanjay Singh allegedly provided evidence to support his accusations, stating, "I will give you this voters' list and I have also presented before you the list of women whose votes have been cancelled by the BJP. "These women have lived here for 30-40 years, they got married, raised their children here, and now their votes are being cancelled. They are doing these things in the area from where former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is contesting elections. So, this is a clear indication that the BJP has already lost the election and is resorting to electoral scams to secure a win."

Singh further emphasised that such actions were an affront to democracy, and the AAP would not stand by while the BJP tried to distort the electoral process. "We have complained about this, and if these votes are not restored or if any further action is taken to cancel them, we will fight against it," he stated. Singh also took a swipe at the BJP's broader record, accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of mismanaging the country's education system. He pointed to the alarming number of children leaving government schools, saying, "A whopping 37 lakh 45 thousand children have left government schools. The Modi government is ruining the education system in this country. In their hands, neither the future of the children nor their access to education and employment is safe." Earlier, on December 30, Arvind Kejriwal also raised concerns over what he described as a "manipulation" of voter lists in the New Delhi constituency.

Kejriwal alleged that around 12,000 voters had been added and deleted from the rolls under suspicious circumstances, accusing the BJP of removing names of AAP supporters and adding fake voters to skew the results. He also accused the BJP of "openly distributing cash" in the constituency to influence voters. In response, Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva dismissed the allegations, claiming that Kejriwal and AAP had a history of registering illegal voters. He accused Kejriwal of attempting to create confusion ahead of the elections by making baseless accusations against the BJP. As the Delhi Assembly elections draw near, these allegations and counter-claims are expected to charge the already heated political atmosphere in the national Capital.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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