Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal recently shared a cozy moment together as they relaxed under the sun. The couple is currently vacationing in Australia and have been sharing glimpses from their adventures trip on social media. In her latest post, Sonakshi shares a sweet moment where Zaheer is resting his head on her lap. In the image, two can be seen sitting together on a park, soaking in the warmth of the sun. With Zaheer resting his head on Sonakshi's lap, the moment exuded a sense of calm and comfort. Sharing this photo, the Akira actress simply posted a red heart emoji.

Sonakshi and Zaheer Iqbal also attended an exciting Boxing Day Test match between India and Australia in Melbourne. The couple shared several pictures and videos from their day at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). In the photos, Sinha and Iqbal were seen coordinated in matching white outfits. The couple proudly waved the Indian flag as they led the crowd in chanting, "India, India, India." The actress captioned her post, “What a CRACKLING day of Cricket at the Boxing day match at the @mcg!!! The atmosphere was electric, the Indian and Australian fans brought their A-game and made our first ever cricket match together absolutely unforgettable!!! Was toooo much fun cheering for team India!! All the best boys… bring it home.” The duo also celebrated Christmas in Australia amidst kangaroos and koalas. Sonakshi posted an array of pictures of the cuddly animals. In one image, the couple posed together for a selfie, with kangaroos in the backdrop. The post read, “Kangarooooos.” The Dabangg actress also dropped a picture of a koala resting on a tree and wrote: “Cutie koala.” After dating for more than seven years, Sonakshi and Zaheer made their relationship official by tying the knot on June 23, 2024. The couple opted for a private civil ceremony.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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