Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): The team behind the much-awaited South Indian film Toxic, starring superstar Yash, has hinted at a major update about the movie on the actor's birthday, January 8. KVN Productions, along with Yash, shared a striking new poster on social media, sparking excitement among fans. The poster carries the intriguing message, “His untamed presence is your existential crisis,” along with the date and time of the big update—10:25 am on Yash's birthday.

While the specific nature of the update—whether it will be a trailer or a new teaser—has not been confirmed, the buzz around it is palpable. Fans eagerly await more details as Yash’s birthday approaches. Directed by Geetu Mohandas, *Toxic* promises to be a thrilling project, and the latest poster adds to the anticipation. In the image, Yash is seen in a dark setting, standing beside a vintage car, smoking a cigar, adding a mysterious aura to the film's promotional material.

Yash himself shared the poster on social media with the caption, “Unleashing him,” fueling further speculation. Despite the excitement, Yash had earlier informed his fans that he would not be in Bengaluru to celebrate his birthday due to shooting commitments. He requested that the celebrations be scaled back this year, following the tragic incident on his birthday last year. In January 2024, three fans tragically lost their lives, and others were injured while erecting a large cut-out of the actor to mark his special day. Yash visited the families of the victims and expressed his heartfelt condolences, pledging to support them.

In his message to fans, Yash appealed for a change in the way birthdays are celebrated, emphasizing that the greatest gift for him is knowing his fans are safe, achieving their goals, and spreading joy. With his birthday approaching, Yash's words and the ongoing *Toxic* promotion have left fans excited for both the actor's update and a deeper connection with him.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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