Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan recently shared an emotional post as she bid farewell to Switzerland, where she had been enjoying a memorable holiday with her family. Accompanied by her husband Saif Ali Khan and their two children, Taimur and Jeh, the actress took to social media to express her feelings about leaving the picturesque destination. On Tuesday, Bebo posted an image of the beautiful snowcapped mountains on her Instagram stories, writing, “Au revoir. Always hurts to leave…”

The Khan family had been vacationing in the scenic Swiss Alps, making the most of their time together and creating lasting memories in the winter wonderland. The ‘Udta Punjab’ actress also shared a series of adorable pictures from Taimur and Jeh’s skiing session. In one of the photos, Taimur looked adorable in a red and green outfit, fully geared up for skiing as he stood outdoors. Kareena captioned the post, "Mera beta (my son)." In another snapshot, little Taimur was seen looking down at the ground, and Kareena humorously wrote, "Don’t ask me if I ski! I take my son’s pictures—someone needs to." In another photo, Jeh was seen lying on the snow, crying while dressed in a black outfit and red helmet. Kareena captioned it with, "Meanwhile…” In a subsequent picture, Jeh was curled up with his eyes closed, still lying on the snow. The actress joked, writing, "Does this count as skiing?"

Kareena also shared heartwarming photos from her intimate Christmas celebration with her family, including husband Saif and their two sons. The couple has made it a tradition to celebrate the festive season in this special way, and this year was no exception. In her post, Kareena mentioned that she had been so immersed in the holiday festivities with her loved ones that she hadn’t had the chance to share earlier, but she wanted to extend her warm wishes to everyone now. The post was captioned, “Sorry was too busy enjoying my day—love and happiness. People keep searching for magic.”

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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