Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Kareena Kapoor Khan and her son Taimur Ali Khan are making the most of their family vacation in Switzerland. The actress recently captured a heartwarming moment of her son enjoying a fun day of skiing. On Sunday, the 'Jab We Met' actress, who often shares glimpses of her family life with fans on social media, took to her Instagram handle to share a photo of Taimur happily skiing down a snowy slope, dressed in a cozy winter outfit, complete with a helmet and ski gear. The little one looked thrilled as he effortlessly glided on the snow. Proud mommy Kareena snapped pictures of her son with a big smile, proudly watching him take on the sport.

Sharing the image, Kareena wrote, “Mera Beta” along with a red heart emoji. She captioned the next follow-up post, “Don’t ask me if I Ski! I take my sons picture someone needs to.”

The 'Singham Again' actress recently shared photos from her intimate Christmas celebration, showcasing heartwarming moments with her family, including husband Saif Ali Khan and their sons, Taimur and Jeh. For the past few years, the couple has made it a tradition to celebrate the festive season in this special way, and this year was no different.

In the caption, Kareena admitted that she had been so caught up in the festivities with her loved ones that she didn’t get a chance to post earlier but wanted to send her warm wishes now.

In the first photo, Kareena and Saif were seen sharing a tender moment, enjoying their drinks while gazing lovingly at each other. Their younger son, Jeh, playfully photo-bombed the sweet moment. Another photo captured the adorable sight of Jeh sitting on Saif’s lap, with the father and son sharing an intimate pose.

Meanwhile, Kareena could be seen giving Taimur a gift while explaining something to him.

The pictures also featured a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, with Taimur and Jeh twinning in matching red outfits. The two were seen playfully running around in front of the tree, which was surrounded by presents. Sharing the post, the actress wrote, “Sorry was too busy enjoying my day love and happiness People Keep searching for Magic.”

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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