Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Actor Shah Rukh Khan once reminisced about an incident when filmmaker Farah Khan requested him to have a word with actors Abhishek Bachchan and Vivaan Shah, son of Naseeruddin Shah, for causing her trouble. In 2014, during the 'Happy New Year' cast's visit to the Kaun Banega Crorepati set, SRK revealed that to Amitabh Bachchan that Farah had voiced her complaints about the duo. In an old video that has surfaced online, Shah Rukh could be heard saying, in Hindi, “Ek baar isne (Farah) mujhe bahut complain kiya. Isne kaha ki Abhishek aur Vivaan jo hai dono k dono bahut pareshan kar rahe hain, distracted rehte hain, baat cheet kar rahe hain, tang kar rahe hain. 'Baar baar meri photo leke Twitter pe daal rahe hain'. Bahut tang karte hain Abhishek aur Vivaan isko, toh tum jaake unse baat karo. (Once she complained to me that Abhishek and Vivaan are troubling her, they are distracted, keep chatting, take her pictures and upload them on Twitter. They irritate me a lot so you go and talk to them).”

The 'Dilwale' actor added, “Maine kaha nahi Farah bacche hai yaar aese thodei na hota hai yaar, hojayega (It's ok they are children). 'No, today I'm very angry. You go and talk'. Toh Sir, main bada aese kamar kas k pahuch gaya...main bolne ko shuru hua phir mujhe dimaag m aya ki Abhishek Bachchan k jo daddy hai woh Mr Amitabh Bachchan hai. Phir aya ki Vivaan k jo daddy hai woh Mr Naseeruddin Shah hai. Phir mere dimaag m aya ki agar inke baap inko nahi sikha sake toh main kya sikhaunga? ("I said, 'No, Farah, they are just kids, it’s not like that, it will be fine.' But she said, 'No, today I’m very angry. You go and talk to them.' So, Sir, I went there with determination... I started to speak, and then it hit me that Abhishek Bachchan’s father is Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. Then I realized that Vivaan’s father is Mr. Naseeruddin Shah. And then it struck me that if their fathers couldn’t teach them, what could I teach them?” Meanwhile, SRK was last seen in Rajkumar Hirani’s movie “Dunki.” The movie also starred Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, and Boman Irani. His upcoming projects include “King” and “Pathaan 2.”

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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