Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu) : Actor Anup Soni, who is known for ‘Crime Patrol’, once shared an interesting anecdote about cold calling the late filmmaker Yash Chopra to get some work. The actor said that he dialed up a landline number, and luckily Yash Chopra picked up the call as those were the days when cell phones hadn’t penetrated the telecommunications market. A video of the actor talking about the same has resurfaced on the Internet. In the video, the actor said, ‘I opened the directory and dialed the number of Yash Raj Films, and Yash Chopra picked up the phone. I swear, mobiles didn't come till then. I told him that, ‘I am from National School of Drama’, specifically underlined NSD because some NSD passouts had worked with him”.

He further mentioned, “He said that, ‘Can you come now? I am going to London. Can you come in half an hour? I have a flight to catch’. I told him, ‘I will come right now’. I went there, and he met me. I was 55 kgs, I was so thin, it was written on my face that he is a tired, and a struggling actor. Whatever few pictures I had, I showed them to him”. Anup Soni began his career with roles in television serials such as Sea Hawks and Saaya. He then took a break from television to work in films. He appeared in the films ‘Kharaashein: Scars From Riots’, ‘Hum Pyar Tumhi Se Kar Baithe’ as well as ‘Hathyar’. In 2004, he appeared in Ashoke Pandit's film ‘Sheen’. But he returned to television to work in ‘CID: Special Bureau’. He continues working both in films and television, and he previously worked in the serial ‘Crime Patrol’.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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