Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): For Tusshar Kapoor this New Year is all about health and tradition. Sharing a glimpse of his new year celebration, the 'Golmaal' actor dropped a video on his official Instagram account. He flew to 'God's Own Country' , Kerala to ring in 2025 and posted a clip of his lavish South Indian meal, called the Sadhya Thali including red rice, channa, and other local delicacies.

Tusshar can be seen dressed in a white shirt, paired with a mundu and an angavastram for the occasion. The actor also shared snippets of the place he stayed in during his getaway. Along with the video Tussar wrote, "Happy New Year everyone! Starting the new year with a sumptuous and, if I may say so, a healthy #sadhyathali …best part is that it includes red rice, channa(protein) and numerous veggies but in the right quantity! Exactly what I want and eat daily! Once again, it pays to be in god’s own home!."

The comment section for the Insta post saw a few welcoming remarks like, "Jealous, of the meal. Happy New Year", "Happy new year to one of the most humble and flawless star .hope the little kids gets all the good qualities of their Dad.", and "Going traditional is a nostalgic feeling", among others. Talking about his upcoming projects, Tusshar will next be a part of Sanjay Gupta's action thriller Shootout at Byculla. The film is nspired by JJ Hospital Shootout in 1992 when Arun Gawli Gang murdered Haseena Parkar's husband. Later on Dawood Ibrahim took revenge from Gawli Gang for the same. The movie is likely to enjoy an ensemble cast with Sanjay Dutt, John Abraham, Saif Ali Khan Sunny Deol, Emraan Hashmi, Abhishek Bachchan, Suniel Shetty, Prateik Patil Babbar, and Fardeen Khan, along with others.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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