Chennai (The Uttam Hindu) : Director Akhil Paul and Anas Khan’s film ‘Identity’, featuring actors Tovino Thomas and Trisha Krishnan in the lead, has emerged as the first hit of the Malayalam film industry in 2025. The makers of the film have now announced that the film’s collections have crossed the Rs 40.23 crore (gross) mark. What has added to their happiness is that the film has managed to do this in just two weeks time. With the film running successfully in packed theatres, and with the film's Telugu and Hindi versions all set to release in the coming weeks, analysts believe the numbers will surely increase. Trade analysts expect the film to join the Rs 50 crore club soon.

The film starring Tovino Thomas, Trisha Krishnan, and Vinay Rai in lead roles hit theatres on January 2 and received a blockbuster response from everyone. In fact, the response was so good that the film managed to rake in a worldwide box office collection of 23.20 crores within just four days of its release. The film also achieved hit status in its Tamil version and collected good numbers. The film is written and directed by Akhil Paul and Anas Khan, produced by Raju Malliath and Dr. CJ Roy, and distributed by Gokulam Movies through Dream Big Films.

The year 2024 was a great year for Malayalam cinema, with a number of films like ‘Manjummel Boys’, ‘ARM’, ‘Aavesham, Kishkinda Kandam’, ‘Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil’, ‘Vaazha’, ‘Aadu Jeevitham’, ‘Anveshippin Kandethum’, ‘Osler’, ‘Brahmayugam’, ‘Vazhshangal Shesham’ and ‘Premalu’ emerging either hits, superhits or blockbusters. The films had collections ranging between ₹50 crore and ₹100 crore marks at the box office. Now, with 'Identity' emerging a hit right at the start of the new year, those in the Malayalam film industry are hoping that this new year will be as good as 2024 if not better.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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