New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon’s residence in Mumbai was recently the target of a robbery. The accused, identified as Sameer Ansari, has been arrested by the police. The theft occurred at Poonam Dhillon’s home in a high-end area of Mumbai, where valuable items, including a diamond necklace, ₹35,000 in cash, and US dollars, were stolen.

Reports suggest that the house was undergoing painting work, which had been in progress for several days. During this time, the thief, Sameer Ansari, noticed an open wardrobe and took the opportunity to steal the valuables. Poonam Dhillon typically resides in her Juhu home, but her son, Anmol, lives in a property located in Khar, where the incident took place. The actress often stays with her son in the Khar house.

According to reports, when Poonam’s son returned from Dubai, he found several valuable items missing. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the accused had already spent the stolen cash. The police launched an investigation immediately after the complaint was filed and successfully apprehended Sameer Ansari, aged 37.

It is believed that Ansari had been working at the actress’s residence from December 28 to January 5. Following his arrest, the accused confessed to his crime during questioning.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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