Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): In a tragic incident, TV actor Aman Jaiswal, known for his role in the popular TV show Dharti Putra Nandini, passed away in a road accident. He was just 23 years old. According to reports, Aman was returning home after a shoot when his bike collided with a truck on the Jogeshwari highway in Mumbai.

Aman’s close friend, Abhinesh Mishra, shared the heartbreaking details, stating that the actor was immediately rushed to Kama Hospital after the accident. Unfortunately, despite efforts to save him, Aman was pronounced dead half an hour later due to the severity of his injuries.

Aman Jaiswal was widely recognized for his portrayal in *Dharti Putra Nandini*, a show where he gained fame for his strong performance and dedication to his craft. The news of his untimely death has left the TV industry in shock and mourning. Friends, colleagues, and fans have expressed their condolences on social media, remembering the young actor for his talent and positive spirit.

This tragic incident has raised concerns about road safety, with many urging for greater awareness and precautions while traveling. A promising career has been cut short, and Aman’s family, friends, and fans are left heartbroken by this sudden loss. The police have launched an investigation into the accident, while the TV industry continues to mourn the loss of a young and talented actor.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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