New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): Social media sensation and comedian Samay Raina recently engaged with fans on Reddit, where he answered numerous questions and shared intriguing insights, including the inspiration behind his popular show India's Got Latent (IGL). Raina confessed that the idea for the show stemmed from an American podcast. A Reddit user asked, "Hello Samay! Only one question – how did the idea of hosting a unique show like IGL come to your mind? Honestly, I'm hooked and eagerly await new episodes. Thanks for curing my boredom!"

In response, Raina wrote, "Thank you so much! I always wanted to create a recurring show but wasn’t sure what it should be. I tried various ideas, but none felt as enjoyable to recreate every 10–15 days. I remembered hosting Twitter Spaces, where I interacted with people, conducted interviews, and made them laugh. I loved doing that and realized I wanted to create an interactive show where I could connect with people." He continued, "While researching, I came across the podcast Kill Tony, which closely resembled what I envisioned. However, I felt a pure, uncut three-hour standup show would be monotonous for me to host. Plus, I didn’t want to simply replicate their format. I knew my show had to focus on any kind of talent, not just stand-up comedy, and it needed a unique point system to keep it engaging."

Raina expressed pride in the point system he developed for the show. "I genuinely believe self-awareness is a superior trait compared to talent. A talented person lacking self-awareness is, in my eyes, less valuable than someone who might not be as talented but is self-aware. I wanted to reward participants based on their self-awareness, which is why I created this point system. It makes me so happy that people love the show!" Another user asked about his journey to quitting smoking, saying, "Not related to latent, but I’d like to know how you quit smoking. I want to quit too and need some motivation." Raina’s heartfelt reply was, "Spend time with your mother and ask her how she would feel if something were to happen to you. That will make you want to do everything possible for a healthy life."

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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