Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who is celebrating his birthday on Friday, landed in Jamnagar, Gujarat, for the birthday celebrations. The superstar touched down at the Jamnagar airport along with his family. The videos, surfaced on social media, feature his mother Salma Khan, actor Riteish Deshmukh and his wife, Genelia, producer Sajid Nadiadwala, Salman’s rumoured girlfriend Iulia Vântur and the head of his security, Shera. Earlier, the poster of his upcoming movie ‘Sikandar’ was unveiled. It shows Salman with his face away from the camera as he holds a spear. The actor dons a suit in the poster. Salman Khan could be seen standing tall surrounded by an aura of mystery and power. The visual sets the tone for a gripping, larger-than-life cinematic experience. His towering presence in the poster reflects the unstoppable persona of Sikandar, a character poised to captivate audiences like never before. The film is directed by A.R. Murugadoss, who is known for ‘Ghajini’, and also stars Rashmika Mandanna opposite Salman Khan. ‘Sikandar’ marks the reunion of Salman Khan and Sajid Nadiadwala after their 2014 blockbuster, ‘Kick’, which also marked the directorial debut for the latter. Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, ‘Sikandar’ promises to be a cinematic spectacle that blends action, drama, and emotion.

‘Sikandar’ is being developed with a strong focus on engaging storytelling and dynamic performances, setting the stage for yet another memorable Salman Khan performance. After the assassination of politician Baba Siddique, Salman took a brief hiatus from the shoot of the film in October this year. The security apparatus of Salman was also beefed up following Siddique’s murder after the Lawrence Bishnoi gang claimed responsibility for the murder. The anticipation surrounding Sikandar reflects Salman's enduring appeal and the significant impact he continues to have on the film industry. As fans await more updates, one thing is clear, Salman Khan is set to deliver the entertainment and drama that his audience craves. ‘Sikandar’ marks the 1st collaboration between Salman and Rashmika.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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