Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Saif Ali Khan is finally back home after recovering from the horrific stabbing incident. Recently, the actor's sister Saba Pataudi took to the stories section of her Insta handle and penned a note updating the netizens about her brother's health. Thanking the fans for their concern, Saba Pataudi wrote on social media, “Relaxed after a long week! So moved by the kind concern from so many people who checked in to know how I am, from all across the world, and wishing Bhai a speedy recovery and the family love and strength, with their support.Blessed and grateful..Thank you!"

On the other hand, Saif Ali Khan's son Ibrahim Ali Khan was recently papped after a workout session. Going by a video doing rounds on the internet, the paps asked him, "Dad ki tabiyat kaisi hai?" While he did not say anything, Ibrahim Ali Khan simply nodded his head. Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times in the wee hours of 16th January 2025 at his Bandra residence during an attempted robbery. The actor even underwent 2 surgeries at the Lilavati hospital for the wounds on his spinal cord. However, the actor was later discharged.

Mumbai police have arrested the suspect identified as Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir (30) alias Vijay Das, a Bangladesh national staying illegally in India, for the incident. According to the reports, Mumbai Police have taken into custody the clothes worn by accused, Shariful Islam, at the time of attack. Additionally, the police also found blood stains on the clothes worn by the accused during the incident. Saif Ali Khan's blood samples and clothes and the attacker's clothes have all been sent to the Forensic Lab (FSL) so that the blood stains on the attacker's clothes can be matched with the actor's blood.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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