Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu):Filmmaker Rohit Shetty took to social media to share heartwarming photos with his son Ishaan on New Year. On Wednesday, the director posted two images of him and his son posing together. Alongside the photos, Rohit wrote, "Guarded and guided by angels. Happy New Year to all!" In the pictures, Rohit and his teenage son Ishaan can be seen smiling and striking a pose together, giving fans major father-son goals. A few days ago, the ‘Singham’ director also shared a glimpse of his “all boys trip” with Ishaan. The father-son duo enjoyed a holiday getaway in London and Paris. Rohit posted a photo of them with the caption, "When your teenage son takes you on an ALL-BOYS trip. #London #Paris."

In a reel video, Rohit captured the memorable moments from their trip, showcasing the beautifully lit Eiffel Tower, a visit to a cathedral, live street music, and their leisurely stroll along Regent Street. Meanwhile, Shetty's latest project, “Singham Again,” features an ensemble cast including Ajay Devgn in the titular role, alongside Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Tiger Shroff, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Deepika Padukone, and Arjun Kapoor. After the film's release, Arjun, who played the character Danger Lanka, expressed heartfelt gratitude to Rohit Shetty. Reflecting on the opportunity, Arjun acknowledged the director's faith in him, especially when others hesitated to offer him such a role.

On Instagram, Kapoor shared behind-the-scenes photos and videos from the Singham Again sets, writing, “The perfect role, at the right time, with a director who believes in you — sometimes, that’s all it takes. Grateful beyond words for the trust he’s shown in me when not many were willing to, and for creating a character so close to his vision that the audiences have loved.” He continued, “This journey of becoming Danger Lanka has been nothing short of amazing. Thank you, @itsrohitshetty sir and team, for making every moment on set unforgettable. I’d do this all over again in a heartbeat! #SinghamAgain.” As the fifth installment of Rohit Shetty's Cop Universe, “Singham Again” is among the most expensive Indian films ever made. The film clashed with Kartik Aaryan’s horror comedy “Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3” on November 1, 2024.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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