Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Actress Raveena Tandon kicked off the New Year by sharing a heartwarming memory featuring herself, her daughter Rasha, and actor Salman Khan. The actress took to social media to reflect on a special moment from the past, marking the beginning of 2025 with cherished throwback photos. The image, which captures the trio together, resonated with fans and sparked a wave of nostalgia, as Raveena celebrated the New Year by reminiscing about this beautiful connection with Salman. Sharing the photos, the’ Ghudchadi’ actress wrote, “Thank you for the love and laughter. A happy New Year to all! May this year and the coming years bring us love, peace, and happiness for you, me, and all our children. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Hi."

The post features Raveena’s moments with her family and loved ones, including candid clicks of her daughter Rasha and other family members. Some of the photos show the actress posing with her Bollywood friends, including Disha Patani, Jacqueline Fernandez, Sophie Choudry, Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Sohail Khan, Manish Malhotra, and others. Raveena’s daughter, Rasha Thadani, also shared her first post of 2025—morning selfies. The budding actress posted a couple of photos flaunting her natural beauty and captioned it, “Morning 2025.”

The ‘Mohra’ actress had previously taken a trip down memory lane by sharing a throwback picture with Shah Rukh Khan, reflecting nostalgically on their past moments together and sharing a treasured memory from their time working on films. On Monday, Raveena posted a series of photos on Instagram, captioning, “With a throwback pic and the week that went by…” Raveena and Shah Rukh have worked together in the film “Zamaana Deewana.” Meanwhile, Raveena Tandon’s daughter, Rasha, is gearing up for her Bollywood debut in the much-anticipated film “Azaad,” directed by Abhishek Kapoor. Rasha will star opposite Aaman Devgan, Ajay Devgn’s nephew. The film also marks the debut of popular TV actor Mohit Malik, who will play the antagonist. The film is slated for a theatrical release in January 2025.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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