Mumbai(The Uttam Hindu): Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh, who is celebrating 7 years of his movie ‘Padmaavat’, has called the film a huge risk that paid off really well. The film, helmed by master storyteller Sanjay Leela Bhansali, is known for its opulence. It starred Ranveer in the role of Alauddin Khilji, a character so dark, so evil, and so menacing that it shattered all preconceptions about the actor.

Ranveer Singh, who is known for his funny and romantic hits, delivered an amazing performance in the historical fiction drama. He embraced a role most leading men would shy away from, transforming it into an unforgettable portrayal of power and madness. The film also starred Ranveer’s wife, Deepika Padukone in the role of Padmavati. Talking about his part, Ranveer said, “When I was offered ‘Padmaavat’, many believed a hero shouldn’t play an anti-hero, but I saw Khilji as a challenge. I trusted Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s vision and followed my instinct”.

He further mentioned, “Taking this risk was a gamble, but seeing it pay off till now is incredibly fulfilling. It validates the importance of breaking stereotypes, pushing boundaries, and taking bold risks in mainstream Hindi cinema. I feel deeply happy and fulfilled”. Ranveer, who is known for his vibrant and spirited persona, surprised the audiences as he underwent a dramatic transformation both physically and psychologically to embody the ruthless and cunning invader.

Ranveer Singh continues to deliver consistent hits, with his latest role as Simmba in ‘Singham Again’ leaving fans thrilled. Anticipation is now building for his upcoming film directed by Aditya Dhar. Recently, leaked images from the set went viral, showcasing Ranveer’s striking transformation with a rugged beard, wild hair, and a turban. Fans are already comparing this intense look to his iconic Padmaavat portrayal, eagerly awaiting his next performance.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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