MP govt makes ‘The Sabarmati Report’ tax-free
Bhopal (The Uttam Hindu): The BJP-led Madhya Pradesh government has officially declared the film ‘The Sabarmati Report’ tax-free across the state.“We have decided to make the film ‘The Sabarmati Report’ tax-free so that a maximum number of people can watch the film. I would also watch the film along with the other cabinet ministers,” said the Chief Minister during an interaction with media persons in Bhopal.He said that a special screening will be held for the cabinet colleagues, adding that the film serves to clarify historical events surrounding a significant and tragic incident in Indian history.
The Chief Minister also appealed to the people to watch the film which uncovers the truth of the Godhara incident.The Madhya Pradesh government’s decision to make the film tax-free comes after Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah’s endorsement of the Vikrant Massey-starrer ‘The Sabarmati Report’.
Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Digvijaya Singh said the victims of the Sabarmati Express train are yet to get justice.A special screening was also held in New Delhi on Monday in the presence of Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports and Labour and Employment Mansukh Mandaviya, actor Vikrant Massey and BJP MP Manoj Tiwari.
Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also praised Vikrant Massey, saying that the ‘truth is coming out’.The film ‘The Sabarmati Report’ features Vikrant Massey, Ridhi Digra and Raashii Khanna in the lead roles. Released on November 15, the film has amassed a decent collection at the box office.The film is based on the burning of the S6 coach of the Sabarmati Express near Godhra station (Gujarat) on February 27, 2002.At least 59 Hindu devotees returning from Ayodhya were burnt to death in the incident, which later led to the riots in Gujarat.