Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Junaid Khan will be seen romancing Khushi Kapoor in Advait Chandan's next, Loveyapa. Now, the makers have released the primary track from the much-anticipated drama, titled "Loveyapa Hogaya". Featuring the leads Junaid Khan & Khushi Kapoor, the song is being touted as 'A Love Anthem for the Youth'. The titled song from the movie enjoys a perfect blend of lively beats and relatable lyrics. Khushi Kapoor dropped the "Loveyapa Hogaya" song on her official Instagram account with the caption, "Babu Shona karte-karte ho gaya dimag ka Bhajiyapa? Well, this is the beginning of Loveyapa! #LoveyapaHogaya song out now. #Loveyapa in theatres this Valentine’s week, from 7th February 2025."Her post received a red heart emoji from her sister Janhvi Kapoor and rumored boyfriend Vedang Raina.Aside from Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor, "Loveyapa" enjoys an ensemble cast with Radhika Sarathkumar, Sathyaraj, Yogi Babu, Eijaz Khan, Raveena Ravi, Adnan Siddiqui, and Swati Verma, along with others.

The drama deals with the life of a young couple whose relationship ends up taking a massive turn after they exchange their mobile phones and learn some bitter truths about each other.

Jointly produced by the banners Phantom Studios and AGS Entertainment, "Loveyapa" is scheduled for a theatrical release on 7th February this year. The movie will mark Junaid Khan's theatrical debut. Junaid Khan made quite a few heads turn with his powerful performance in his debut drama, "Maharaja", alongside Jaideep Ahlawat, Shalini Pandey, and Sharvari. The drama premiered on the streaming giant Netflix. On the other hand, Khushi Kapoor's "The Archies" failed to make an impact on the audience. This will be the first time Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor have come together for a film. It is also the first time that Aamir Khan's son will be trying his hands at romance.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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