Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Bollywood actress Khushi Kapoor, who made her debut with the streaming movie ‘The Archies’, has shared pictures from her Christmas sweater party. On Friday, the actress took to her Instagram, and shared an array of pictures from her recent party. The pictures also feature her rumoured beau and her ‘The Archies’ co-star Vedang Raina. Social media star Orry can also be seen in one of the pictures. The actress wrote in the caption, “A cute ugly Christmas sweater party”. Earlier, the actress attended the haldi ceremony of Aaliyah Kashyap, the daughter of Indian auteur Anurag Kashyap.

She took to her Instagram, and shared an array of pictures and videos from the haldi ceremony. In one of the videos, Khushi was seen applying haldi on Aaliyah. Another video shows Aaliyah sharing a kiss with her fiance. Khushi wrote in the caption, “Haldi morning”. The actress was seen donning a yellow coloured ethnic outfit as per the theme of the wedding festivity. Khushi is the sister of Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor. She made her debut with ‘The Archies’ which was directed by Zoya Akhtar. In the film, she was seen essaying the role of Betty Cooper in ‘The Archies’ in which she starred alongside Agastya Nanda, Suhana Khan, Vedang Raina, Mihir Ahuja, Aditi ‘Dot’ Saigal and Yuvraj Menda.

The film is a live-action adaptation of ‘The Archies’, a fictional rock band who appeared in the 1960's animated cartoon, ‘The Archie Show’. The film, directed by Zoya Akhtar, was dubbed a disaster with critics unanimously panning the film. Meanwhile, the actress will be next seen opposite Junaid Khan, the son of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan in ‘Loveyapa’. The film is directed by Advait Chandan of ‘Secret Superstar’ fame, and is an adaptation of the hit Tamil romantic comedy movie ‘Love Today’. The shoot of the film reportedly started in Mumbai followed by its 2nd schedule in June this year in Delhi-NCR.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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