Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Kangana Ranaut is once again making headlines, this time due to a post that has sparked widespread discussion. The Bollywood actress and BJP MP, who is no stranger to the spotlight, recently shared a heartfelt post on her Instagram Stories, praising the women of Himachal Pradesh. In her post, she also took a moment to appreciate her fellow actresses from the region, including Preity Zinta, Yami Gautam, and Pratibha Ranta.

Kangana shared a picture of herself with these actresses and wrote, “Whenever I visit Himachal and see our women in the fields, they look as good as, or even better than, us. They work hard, earn their livelihood, and don't rely on Instagram or reels. I think they certainly deserve more recognition." The post has garnered significant attention, with users leaving comments and sharing their thoughts.

On the work front, Kangana is set to appear in the upcoming film Emergency, which she has also written, directed, and starred in. The film was initially slated for release on September 6, but it was delayed due to a lack of approval from the CBFC. The film is now expected to release next year.

Updated On 30 Dec 2024 7:34 PM IST
The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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