Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu) : Vikram Bhatt is presently tied up with his forthcoming drama "Tumko Meri Kasam" Recently, the team has concluded the shoot for the project and announcing the same, Anupam Kher took to his official Instagram handle and shared a hilarious post. The veteran actor dropped a clip that featured him styling Esha Deol's hair, while the latter says, "Ek to main itni Khubsurat, upar se meri Haasi.(I am so beautiful and on top of that God has gifted me with such beautiful laughter)" followed by a high-pitch laugh. She added "Oh God! Itni sundar hasti hu main (Oh God! My laugh is so beautiful)"

Anupam Kher captioned his latest IG post, "It is a wrap for us for #VikramBhatts #TumkoMeriKasam. Had to make this crazy reel with #EshaDeol. What an amazing journey this has been. Till we meet again my dearest. Will miss you and your laughter!! #LoveAndLaughter." Along with Anupam Kher and Esha Deol, "Tumko Meri Kasam" will also star Adah Sharma and Ishwak Singh in the lead. Anupam Kher will also be a part of Vivek Agnihotri, "The Delhi file: The Bengal Chapter". Jointly bankrolled by Abhishek Agarwal and Pallavi Joshi, the movie has been presented by Tej Narayan Agarwal & I Am Buddha Productions.

The film is slated to be released across the globe on 15th August this year. Aside from Anupam Kher, the project will also feature Mithun Chakraborty, Pallavi Joshi, Puneet Issar, and Govind Namdeo in significant roles. Furthermore, Anupam Kher will also star in Kangana Ranaut's highly-anticipated flick, "Emergency". Directed by Kangana Ranaut, the movie is a cinematic adaptation of the infamous Indian Emergency. With Kangana Ranaut as former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, the film will also star Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, Mahima Chaudhry, Milind Soman, and Satish Kaushik in important roles. "Emergency" is slated to reach the audience on 17th January 2025.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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