Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Mumbai police have released the image of the suspect involved in the knife attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The image, captured from the CCTV footage of Saif’s Bandra residence, "Satguru Sharan" shows the suspect using the building's staircase to flee the scene.

The suspect dressed in a black t-shirt and carrying a bag on his back can be seen in the footage taken on the sixth floor. This crucial detail has aided the police in their ongoing investigation. Following the attack, Saif Ali Khan underwent surgery at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, where doctors confirmed that he is now completely out of danger.

The attacker reportedly used the stairs to escape after committing the crime. Initially, the police were unable to spot the suspect in the earlier CCTV recordings. However, subsequent footage revealed the individual leaving via the staircase. The police have intensified efforts to identify and locate the suspect by making his image public. Saif resides on the 12th floor of the building and this incident has raised serious concerns about security in the area. The police are urging the public to come forward with any information regarding the suspect’s identity to expedite his apprehension.

Updated On 16 Jan 2025 7:19 PM IST
The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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