Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu) : Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan, who turned 51 on Friday, revealed that when he was 12-years-old, he would at times choose tunes for his music composer uncle Rajesh Roshan and that sometimes he would see them on the screens. “I am 12-years-old and every song that my chacha used to create, he used to call me… Duggu ko bulao. I used to sit with him. He used to play me three tunes and he used to say choose and sometimes I used to see my choice up on the screen. Used to be amazing, that feeling,” revealed Hrithik at the press conference held for their upcoming documentary “The Roshans” on Netflix. Rajesh then spilled an anecdote about Hrithik, whom he tagged as a very “good learner.”

“He used to come to the music room and hear the song. So, it had some Urdu words and Hindi words which were a little difficult for him but he used to ask very nicely ‘chacha iska kya matlabh hota hai (what does this mean)’... that is the learning power he had.” The upcoming Netflix series chronicles the trials and triumphs of Bollywood’s iconic Roshan family — musician Roshan Lal Nagrath, Rajesh, Rakesh and Hrithik. Talking about Hrithik, who is one of the highest-paid actors in India, made brief appearances as a child actor in several films in the 1980s and later worked as an assistant director on four of his father's films. His first leading role was in the box-office success Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai in 2000. He was then seen in films such as “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham…”, “Koi… Mill Gaya”, “Krrish”, “Dhoom 2”, “Jodhaa Akbar”, “Guzaarish”, “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara”, “Agneepath”, “Super 30”, “Bang Bang!” “War” and Fighter”. He will next be seen in “War 2”, which also stars NTR Jr. and Kiara Advani.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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