Chennai (The Uttam Hindu) : The makers of director S Prem Anand’s upcoming horror comedy ‘DD Next Level’, featuring Santhanam in the lead, on Tuesday released the first look of the film. The first look was released as part of the birthday celebrations of actor Santhanam. DD Next Level, which will be the next instalment in the hugely successful Dhillukku Duddu (DD) franchise, features Santhanam as the protagonist once again. This time though, director Gautham Vasudev Menon will be seen playing a pivotal role in this latest instalment which has been titled 'DD Next Level'.

Sources close to the unit say that shooting, which is progressing at a brisk pace, is in its final phase. The film will hit the screens in May this year. Produced by Niharika Entertainment and The Show People, on a huge budget, the film will be presented by actor Arya. S. Prem Anand who directed 'DD Returns' is helming this new film as well. Speaking about the film, director Prem Anand says, "DD Returns was a huge success with great response from the audience from all walks of life.

We worked on the script of its sequel for one year. From children to adults, everyone will laugh and enjoy this flick too." He added, "The story of this film starts on a cruise ship and takes place on an island. We erected sets with a huge budget. It's great that Niharika Entertainment, actor Arya and Santhanam have teamed up to produce this film. It will be more exciting and hilarious than 'DD Returns'. The film will provide an enjoyable experience to fans of all age groups." Dipak Kumar Padhy handles the cinematography of 'DD Next Level', and Ofro has scored the music. Bharath is in charge of editing and AR Mohan has handled the film’s art direction.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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