Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu) : Television actress Surbhi Jyoti is manifesting more fun-filled travels in 2025. On Friday, the ‘Qubool Hai’ actress took to her Instagram handle and shared a couple of stunning photos from a beach getaway. Alongside the images, she wrote, “Just manifesting more fun travels in 2025.” In the photos, Surbhi is seen posing in a swimsuit against a beautiful pool backdrop. The pictures appear to be from her recent Maldives vacation. Last month, the actress travelled to the Maldives with her husband, Sumit Suri, and shared glimpses of their holiday on social media. A few days ago, the ‘Naagin 3’ actress gave a sneak peek into her New Year celebration by posting photos. She captioned the post, "Happy 2025 everyone. And cheers to such simple impromptu plans.”

Surbhi also expressed her gratitude to the year 2024, calling it special. She shared cherished memories with Sumit, captioning the post, “Dear 2024, you were special. Thanks for all the love and memories.” On the personal front, Surbhi and Sumit tied the knot at a resort in Jim Corbett in a traditional Hindu ceremony. The intimate wedding was attended by only their close friends and family. The couple later shared their wedding photos on social media, where Surbhi looked radiant in a red lehenga adorned with gold and silver jewellery, while Sumit complemented her in a classic white sherwani. Surbhi and Sumit had originally planned to marry in March, but they chose to delay the celebration due to challenges with venue arrangements and other preparations. On the professional front, Surbhi Jyoti is best known for her performances in popular television series like “Qubool Hai” and “Naagin 3.” In 2021, she made her film debut with the comedy-drama “Kya Meri Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai?,” directed by Saurabh Tyagi, where she starred alongside Jassie Gill.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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