Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu) : Farah Khan recently visited ace producer Boney Kapoor's Mumbai home. The fun moments from the meet can be found on Farah Khan's YouTube channel, including a lavish home tour. In the clip dropped by Farah Khan on her Instagram stories, the director can be seen talking to her cook Dilip, who makes constant appearances on the filmmaker's YouTube channel. She can be heard saying to Dilip, "Today, I have brought you to a house, that will make you realize how poor we are". Later, both of them admire the luxurious bungalow of Boney Kapoor. Farah Khan even points out, "Our pool is so small na?" To this, Dilip replies, "Mam, we are poor na, we do not own a house like this"

The clip moves on to a cook-off between Farah Khan and Boney Kapoor competing against Khushi Kapoor and Dilip. Their cooking skills are put to the test as they make scrambled eggs. In the meantime, Khushi Kapoor is currently promoting her forthcoming romantic entertainer with Junaid Khan, "Loveyapa". The diva recently dropped a video from the drama on social media, and guess who made a special appearance? The clip features Khushi Kapoor recreating the film’s title track with Farah Khan. However, to everyone's surprise, Boney Kapoor makes an unexpected cameo in the video. Both Khushi Kapoor and Farah Khan cannot stop laughing after Boney Kapoor's dramatic entrance. The father and daughter's love was palpable in the video.

On another hand, Junaid Khan recently revealed how Farah Khan eased the entire process for him despite his struggle with dancing. Sharing his experience of working with Farah Khan in the song "Rehna Kol" from "Loveyapa", Junaid Khan was quoted saying, “Working with Farah ma’am has been an unforgettable experience. She brings such a remarkable presence to the set. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to learn from someone so respected and experienced. Despite my weaknesses as a dancer, her energy and warmth made it easy for me to feel comfortable and focus on giving my best.”

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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