Diljit Dosanjh's upcoming film Panjab 95, based on the life of Sikh human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra is set to release on February 7, 2025 without any cuts. The teaser for the film was unveiled on January 17 showcasing Diljit in the role of Khalra who became a martyr after investigating illegal killings and cremations by the Punjab police. Directed by Honey Trehan and produced by Ronnie Screwvala, Panjab 95 will also feature Arjun Rampal in a pivotal role.

The teaser begins with Arjun Rampal's character explaining how the history of Punjab is primarily associated with events like Operation Bluestar the assassination of Indira Gandhi and the 1984 riots. We then see Diljit as Khalra, a Sikh rights activist who was tragically kidnapped, tortured and killed by the police while uncovering these atrocities. Diljit had earlier shared behind-the-scenes photos of himself injured during the making of the film.

Due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter the film faced a recommendation from the censor board to make 120 cuts. However, Panjab 95 will be released in its entirety without any alterations. The film was also screened for Jaswant Singh Khalra's family in 2022, and it was reported that they were deeply impressed by the portrayal of his life. At least six police officers were booked for their involvement in the tragic events surrounding Khalra's death which remains a dark chapter in Punjab's history.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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