Los Angeles (The Uttam Hindu) : Rapper Cardi B recently shared an adorable clip on her Instagram Stories of her baby daughter, who she shares with her estranged husband Offset. In the video, the sweet girl, whose name has not been revealed, placed her hand on her milk bottle as she was fed, reports ‘People’ magazine. “My baby marks 4 months today and she soooo big”, Cardi wrote in her caption. Her voice could also be heard in the video saying, “The bottle is not going anywhere, girl”. As per ‘People’, Cardi, who also shares daughter Kulture, 6, and son Wave Set, 3, with Offset, welcomed her third baby on September 7. This came after she announced in August that she was expecting her third baby, a day after news of her filing for divorce following six years of marriage.

Revealing the birth of her daughter in September, Cardi shared an Instagram carousel that featured photos of her cuddling her baby girl in the hospital room. Offset, 33, and their two elder children were also included in the snaps. "The prettiest lil thing 9/7/24", her Instagram caption read. In November, the mother of three reposted an Instagram clip of herself wearing jeweler Elliot Eliantte sporting diamond bracelets with her children’s names. Giving a glimpse of her third baby's moniker, Cardi made sure to not reveal the entire name. Meanwhile, back in December, the musician posed in holiday photos with her two older children. Standing in front of pink and white Christmas trees, Cardi held her children’s hands as they flashed smiles. “Merry Christmas…Don’t ask bout the baby she was not with the picture ish. It was very ghetto taking pics with these kids (sic)”, her caption read.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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