Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu) : Ameesha Patel made her Bollywood debut alongside Hrithik Roshan with Rakesh Roshan's 2000 romantic thriller "Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai". Now, the blockbuster hit is scheduled to be re-released in the cinema halls and the actress feels that it is the audience's love for iconic films that has led to the re-release of her first B-town drama. During an exclusive conversation with IANS, Ameesha Patel was quoted saying, "I am extremely grateful. It is the love of the audiences that even after so many years they love and support me soo much. Recently, Gadar 1 was re-released and then Gadar 2 managed to take the box office by storm, and now Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai is about to reach the cinema halls once again and I think it's the audience's love for iconic films like this that Hrithik and me get to come to the 70mm screen with our debut film. The film remains relevant even after so many years and continues to receive so much love from the audience."

Speaking on the re-release, Hrithik Roshan shared, "It's surreal to realise that 25 years have passed since Kaho Naa.. Pyaar Hai! This milestone is both humbling and motivating, to be blessed with the opportunity to live my dream of being an actor, every day since the last two and a half decades is truly a blessing. Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai was my first film and will always hold a special place in my heart. I Thank PVR INOX for celebrating the occasion by bringing back the film to theatres.” India’s largest and most prestigious cinema chain, PVR INOX announced that "Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai" will be re-released in the cinema halls on 10th January, this year as the film turns 25. Aside from Ameesha Patel and Hrithik Roshan, the movie also saw Anupam Kher, Farida Jalal, Satish Shah, Mohnish Behl, Dalip Tahil, Ashish Vidyarthi, and Vrajesh Hirjee in crucial roles. Produced by Rakesh Roshan, the music of the film was composed by Rajesh Roshan.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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