Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu): Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar who was recently seen in ‘Singham Again’, has wished his wife Twinkle Khanna on her birthday. On Sunday, the actor took to his Instagram, and shared a video drawing comparison between people’s opinion of his wife and what she actually is in her personal space. The first segment of the video shows her basking in the sun. Another segment shows her goofing around in the house as she dances to her tune. The actor also penned a long in the caption and shared how he has learnt a lot from his partner. He wrote, “Happy Birthday, Tina. You’re not just a sport; you’re the whole game. I’ve learned so much from you, how to laugh until my stomach hurts (and you’re almost always the reason for it), how to sing my heart out when a favorite song plays on the radio, and how to dance just because I feel like. Tere varga sach mein hor koi na”. Earlier, Akshay and Twinkle celebrated their son Aarav’s birthday. The couple took to their Instagram in separate posts, and sent their best wishes to Aarav on his special day.

The actor shared a picture from their safari outing on his Instagram to wish his son. The picture shows Akshay, Twinkle and Aarav inside a safari vehicle as Twinkle looks at the camera through binoculars. The actor wrote in the caption, “Happy Birthday Aarav! Watching you grow into the kind and loving person you are fills my heart with pride every single day. Words can’t do justice to how much joy you bring into my life. May this year bring you as much happiness as you give to everyone around you. Love you always”. Akshay had once shared that like him, Aarav also left his home at quite a tender age, and is studying at a university in London.

Updated On 29 Dec 2024 3:00 PM IST
The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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