Mumbai (The Uttam Hindu) : Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar welcomed actress Tabu on the sets of the upcoming movie ‘Bhooth Bangla’. On Wednesday, the makers of the film took to their Instagram, and shared a picture of Akshay extending a warm welcome to the actress and the two embraced each other. The two icons of Bollywood have consistently won hearts with their performances, and their reunion after more than 2 decades is naturally anticipated. Akshay and Tabu previously shared screen space in the cult-classic ‘Hera Pheri’.

Sharing the picture, the makers wrote in the caption, “"Some things get better and iconic with time. @priyadarshan.official , @akshaykumar and @tabutiful are back in action after 25 years for #BhootBangla in Jaipur”. The excitement around ‘Bhooth Bangla’ has been at its peak ever since its announcement. While the film is one of the most awaited horror comedies, it promises several elements to look forward to. Among these, its ensemble cast is the most crucial aspect that makes this film even more special.

Moreover, the film will also reunite the iconic team director Priyadarshan, Akshay Kumar, and Tabu, who last worked together on ‘Hera Pheri’. This has undoubtedly heightened the anticipation for the film, which is coming with such a stellar cast and intriguing promise. The film is directed by Priyadarshan, and produced by Shobha Kapoor and Ektaa R Kapoor under the banner of Balaji Telefilms and Akshay Kumar's production house, Cape of Good Films. The film is co-produced by Faara Sheikh and Vedant Baali. The story is written by Akash A Kaushik and screenplay by Rohan Shankar, Abilash Nair and Priyadarshan. The dialogues are by Rohan Shankar. The current schedule of the film is underway in Jaipur. ‘Bhooth Bangla’ is slated for its theatrical release on April 2, 2026.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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