New Delhi (The Uttam Hindu): Ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has launched the 'Sanatan Seva Samiti' following the introduction of the priest and granthi scheme. During this event, AAP inducted nearly 100 members from the BJP's temple wing into the party. Several saffron-clad saints and sages were also seen on the AAP stage.

100 members from BJP’s temple wing join AAP

The 'Sanatan Seva Samiti' was inaugurated in the presence of AAP leaders Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia. The stage was adorned with a saffron flag and an image of Lord Hanuman. During the event, about 100 members from BJP's temple wing joined AAP.

The formation of this new committee by AAP is seen as a direct response to BJP's 'Mandir Prakoshth.' In the presence of Arvind Kejriwal, several members of BJP’s temple wing joined this new initiative. AAP, which had already announced a monthly allowance of ₹18,000 for priests and granthis, unveiled the new wing with several saints present. The event, held at AAP's office, saw a warm welcome for saints like Jagatguru Ramanujacharya, Swami Yogeshwar Maharaj, Swami Avadhesh Maharaj, preacher Acharya Shri Madhur Das Ji Maharaj, and Balaji Mahant Mahesh Chandra Ji Maharaj, among other saints and priests. Arvind Kejriwal welcomed the saints with saffron robes and the saints praised him for the ₹18,000 allowance initiative.

Kejriwal also shared his gratitude, stating that it is the higher power that determines whom to choose for each cause. He expressed thankfulness for being chosen to bring about reforms in education, healthcare and electricity. Kejriwal said, "Now, the immense work being done for Sanatan Dharma, the priests and saints who work 24 hours as a bridge between people and God, it is an honor for us to serve them."

Updated On 8 Jan 2025 3:19 PM IST
The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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