London (The Uttam Hindu): America has recently expelled illegal immigrants from many countries. Now a similar action like Trump's has started in Britain as well. Since the Labor Party came to power in Britain, about 19000 illegal immigrants and criminals have been expelled from the country. A video of deporting these people has also been released by the British government. This campaign has been launched against illegal immigrants in the entire country. Raids have been conducted for this, in which a large number of illegal immigrants were found.

Now Britain is also on Trump's path, expelled 19 thousand migrants; Raids are being conducted across the country: As part of this campaign, raids have been carried out at Indian restaurants, nail bars, stores and car washes. Complaints were received about a large number of illegal migrants being employed in these places. The British Home Minister said that his department had conducted large-scale raids in January. He said that since our government came to power, a total of 19,000 people have been deported. In the month of January itself, 828 premises were raided and 609 people were arrested. This was 73% more number as compared to January last year. 7 people were arrested after a raid at an Indian restaurant in Humberside alone. Apart from this, 4 have been taken into custody.

Apart from this, a new bill has also been introduced in the British Parliament. This bill proposes border security, asylum and expulsion of illegal immigrants. British MPs say that introducing this bill will help in eliminating a large number of criminal gangs. The British government has also decided to impose a fine on those institutions which will give jobs to illegal immigrants. In such cases, it has been decided to impose a fine of 60 thousand pounds per person.

The Uttam Hindu

The Uttam Hindu

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